New Semaglutide (Ozempic) Offering!

person sleeping on their side

I’m delighted to share an opportunity to transform your weight loss journey! Building a healthy foundation with diet, exercise, and good sleep habits is key, but sometimes, even with a healthy lifestyle, reaching weight loss goals can be a challenge.

Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirzepatide) have been game-changers for many of my patients by accelerating results when diet and lifestyle changes are already in place. These medications can be a powerful tool to support your weight loss goals.
Here’s the deal:
  • Partnering with the Best: I trust Women’s International Pharmacy ( for top-quality compounded medications.  They recently opened their semaglutide program, and due to its popularity, they may have a limited window for accepting new patients.  
  • Get Started Now: While I typically don’t like time-limited promotions, this opportunity won’t last forever.  Six months ago, a similar opportunity was missed when another pharmacy closed their roster before I let you know and I don’t want you to miss out this time!  
  • Ready for Dispatch: Commercially available Semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and Tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound) have been intermittently out of stock for month and into the foreseeable future. Women’s International has ramped up to be able to serve you with consistency for at least the next year, with their first lot going out later this month.
Why Might a Naturopathic Recommend this?
You may wonder why a Naturopath would suggest a medication like this. Semaglutide (Ozempic) goes beyond just shedding pounds. It can positively impact your overall health by:
  • Slashing belly fat (visceral fat), lowering your risk of chronic disease.
  • Boosting insulin sensitivity – key for metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and diabetes.
  • Lowering systemic inflammation and pain, and biome originated digestive problems.
  • Reducing the ongoing food-related inner monologue.
  • Plus, it’s pivotal for getting sugar and glycemic control in hand, critical for a broad array of conditions, including Alzheimer’s, ardiovascular disease, erectile dysfunction, Parkinson’s and many more.
  • My friend Dr Tyna Moore has done a deep dive on all of the non-weight related benefits, including her own experience. Check out her podcast series Ozempic Done Right (GLP1 Agonists), in particular her own GLP-1 Experience where she talks about her inflammation, perimenopause and pain improvements.
  • Seriously – recently (April ’24), I saw one dear patient’s A1c drop from high 6’s with a 13 year diabetes diagnosis down to 5.5, with perfect insulin sensitivity scores.  That is ‘curing’ diabetes, almost.  This 6 month process has dramatically reduced their chances of long term preventable diseases.
Collaborative Care: My role is to ensure safety and effectiveness, while customizing the plan to your individual biochemistry. We’ll also discuss potential risks like:
  • Protein/muscle integrity
  • Post-treatment weight stability
  • Gastric slowdown and potential discomfort
  • Microbiome disruption
  • When and how to discontinue the medication
  • Thyroid, Estrogen or Testosterone imbalances that may hold you back

Not everyone is a good candidate for semaglutide. If you’re interested in exploring alternative options, I also offer personalized hormone work and have two fantastic trainers (via telemedicine!) to help you take exercise and diet to the next level.  Drop me a line if interested!   And check out the trainers at and (My personal trainer).


Jumpstart Your Transformation: Want a head start? Check out’s FatBurn diet! It’s a delicious, 10-day program that typically leads to 7-10 pounds of weight loss for just $45/day. Mention my name for a discount (and tell me how it goes!).  I’m a huge fan of them, personally, as are 20+ of my patients.


Price: I am actively working to make this as affordable as possible!  Rather than a monthly subscription model, I’m looking ala carte charging per fill and quarterly visit.  My target price hopefully averages out around $180-$200 per month or less (excluding labs, etc).  If we can get insurance to cover it, the price drops dramatically.


This is significantly lower than impersonal services like henrymeds, weightwatchers or eden. Plus, once these medications become more readily available at standard pharmacies again, your cost may decrease further depending on your insurance coverage.


Let’s Begin:

Book an online 15-minute Semaglutide Intake, or bring it up in your next regular appointment.


Together, let’s reach new heights in your health and weight loss journey!

Dramatic Results with Sunfare’s FatBurn Diet: Real Patient Experiences! 

Many of you have been curious about the Sunfare FatBurn Diet after I mentioned it earlier. A patient initially told me about it a year ago, claiming they lost 20 pounds in just 20 days and kept it off. While I was initially skeptical (let’s be honest, “no way” was my first reaction!), I decided to try it myself. And guess what? It actually worked!

Since then, I’ve had over 30 patients participate in the program, and nearly all of them have reported fantastic results. Here’s the best part: these results come without medication!


Real People, Real Results: 

“Sunfare Fat Burn diet. Your guidance has been instrumental in my journey towards improved health and well-being.
Since completing the Sunfare Fat Burn diet, the results have been remarkable. Not only have I shed 8 pounds, but I have also experienced a significant reduction in overall inflammation, which was my main goal. This newfound sense of well-being has been truly transformative, allowing me to approach each day with renewed energy and mental clarity.
The quality of the ingredients and the generous portion sizes have made it easy for me to stick to the program and achieve my goals.”


“When Dr. Sandford recommended Sunfare to me, I had written off the option due to the price. It wasn’t until I had come to my wits end with my weight that I decided to give it 10 days. In 10 days, I lost 13lbs and became so motivated that I continued on to lose 35lbs in 50 days. Sunfare even accommodated my many allergies and intolerances. The cost became worth taking the guess work out of prepping my own meals and taught me a bulletproof eating structure to carry on with as a lifestyle.”


“Sunfare was way better than Epicured. I lost weight on it and enjoyed the food. I have recommended it to several friends who have all lost around 15 pounds on it. After awhile, naturally the food options may become boring but if you stick with it, it truly works! I’m planning to do the SIBO test soon and then will schedule a follow up!” 


“I did lose 10 lbs on the scale, but saw a 0% body fat change. It seemed to reduce overall inflammation though and I’ve kept 5lbs of it off. The food was tasty – options were diverse. And the customer service was really fantastic. They were responsive and it was personalized.”


“Loved the Sunfare Diet. I lost about 15 lbs on the Fat Burn plan. I initially signed up for 10 days, and after seeing the results, signed up for an additional 10 days.
This diet completely cut out my bread and cheese intake, which had been the most challenge part to do on my own. Since I was paying a bit of $$, it also motivated me to stay on plan.
While I have been off of it for a while now, I have managed to keep the weight off!
Thanks again for the recommendation.”


Taking Control of Your Health:

The reason I’m such a big advocate for the FatBurn Diet is the empowerment it offers. This program allows you to see firsthand the dramatic changes you can make to your weight and inflammation in a short period, all without relying on medication. This self-knowledge is crucial. If you do choose to pursue semaglutide or similar medications, you’ll do so with the understanding that it’s a temporary tool. You have the capacity to achieve significant results on your own! Plus, with injectables, the first month is often considered “sub-therapeutic” as your body adjusts.


Considering the Cost:

While the 10-day program at $45/day may seem like a significant investment, consider it alongside the opportunity cost of not taking action. Think about how much you typically spend on food each day anyway!

This program can be a powerful jumpstart to your weight loss journey, empowering you to take control of your health for the long term.

Curious?  Go check them out!  Mention me when you do for the discount.