About Doc Sandford
~ Where science and nature intersect
~ Your Los Angeles Naturopathic Medical Doctor, functional medicine specialist and sorter of the “wheat from the chaff”
~ Partnering with you to select the medical approach that is most right for you, for who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow.
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Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet – Cure to Visceral Fat?
Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet - Cure to Visceral Fat? The Prolon FMD is a great way to effectively and efficiently do a metabolic detoxing cleanse at the cellular level, in just 5 days. I've done it three times now, and plan on doing it every 3-6 months as a metabolic...
Do you have any of these 20 signs of aging?
Do you have any of these 20 signs of aging? Let’s take a minute to talk about aging. We know graying hair and wrinkles are expected, but what else? 🤔 Did you know that aging can also affect your immune system, digestion, and sexual wellness? Some signs...
Sauna boosts the benefits of exercise.
Do you have access to a sauna? If yes, then listen up. 🔥 Because a new study has found that routine sauna use after exercise is superior to exercise alone when it comes to major cardiovascular risk factors 🔥 The study (published in the American...
Where Environmental Toxins Hide
Environmental Toxins As a functional medicine doctor, I understand how keeping healthy could be a challenge at these times when environmental toxins are everywhere - in your home, car, or office. They are present in many of the products that you use every day! More...
On the Effects of Alcohol
The Effects of Alcohol As a Los Angeles Naturopathic Doctor, it is important that I am always up to date with the latest health news and developments. How much alcohol is too much? An extremely large study has just found that drinking alcohol is associated with...
How Many Steps Do We Need Per Day?
🚶♂️For the longest time, we’ve been told to walk 10,000 steps per day. Well, apparently that was based on a marketing campaign for a Japanese pedometer with no real science to back that up. Who knew 🤷 The fun part is that...
Non-toxic, no smell, disinfectant for COVID-19
Dr Adam here again, with a suggestion for living in a coronavirus filled world. TL;DR – I found an easy to buy, non-toxic spray, containing hypochlorous acid (HOCL) FDA approved to KILL coronavirus on surfaces, with minimal smell, is fairly natural and that breaks...
Treating Andropause and Low Testosterone in Men
Recently, discussions have emerged on television, in magazines, on the radio, or by word of mouth highlighting the phrases “Low T” or “Andropause;” But what do these phrases mean? As men age, they begin to experience symptoms that fall in line with hormonal imbalance,...
Studied Natural Treatments for Memory Loss
Studied Naturopathic approaches towards cognitive impairment, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s. I have encountered a number of patients requesting more information recently about what they can do to preserve their memory as they age. There are many books available with...
What’s the deal with food allergies?
So, a few folks have recently asked me the difference between an allergy sensitivity and a sensitivity. Here is a personal case in point: When I eat pecans, my tongue tingles and my eyes water a little. When I eat a brazil nut, my lips swell and my throat closes. In...